A) Melo Drama:

* Situation will be given in the form of chits.
* Random selection will be there.
* 30 sec maximum for thinking and preparation.
* Act time 2 minute.

B) Need for Speed:

* Maximum number of song in 2 minute.
* Every complete mukhra will be consider for counting.
* Proper singing should be there,reading will not be consider.

C) Balloon Blowing:

* Maximum balloon will be blown in 2 minute.
* Complete inflated balloon will only consider for counting.
* Bursted balloon and half filled balloon will not be consider.

D) Target The Goal:

* Number of darts giving will be five.
* Target will be hit from the specified distance.
* Darts which will hit on the line will not be considered for counting.
* Only the stick dart will be considered.

E) Hoopla:

* Ring shall not fall and also completely cover the object.
* Ring will be thrown from a specified distance.
* The winner will take the gift with them.

F) Mini Cricket:

* Single player is allowed to play at a time for batting.
* Two over per player will be given for playing.
* Maximum number of run scored will be taken as a winner.
* Extra for wide ball will not be awarded.
* Only sixes and fours will be count for scoring.
* If player gets out two runs will be deducted from the score.

G) Musical Chair:

* Song will be played and randomly stopped.
* Participants who will miss the chair will be out.

H) Cross The Bridge:

A twisted and deformed wire will be there and participants has to travel the ring through the whole wire.
* The participants who will take minimum time will be winner.
* Every touch with the wire will blow the bulb and 10 sec will be added in the time taken by the participant.

I) R.J. Ka Tadka:

*Open entries are allowed.
* Any type of instrument is not allowed.
* You can mimic celebrity sound or you can inact as a RJ(Zeeshan and Naved).
# Concern theme will be displayed at the event venue.

J) Tongue Twister:

* No rules.