The department of Anatomy was built with the inception of Medical College in 2005. Post-graduation course was started in 2011 & presently annual intake is of 5 post graduates students every year. Department has well equipped Dissection hall, Histology laboratory, Histology research laboratory, Museum and Clinical Anatomy Gallery with latest teaching facilities. The department has received consent from 37 volunteers for body donation. Three bodies have already been donated to the department by the esteemed volunteers.
- The department actively participated in the ‘ Annual National conference of Otorhinology – Rhinocon 2015’.
- Clinical procedure ‘Dissection course in endoscopic functional sinus surgery’ on cadavers was live telecasted from the dissection hall of Anatomy department.
- Department of Anatomy organized 23rd Annual conference of UP chapter of Anatomical Society of India and CME on “Role of Genetics in MBBS Curriculum” on 17th and 18th September 2015.

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Arora NK, Khan AZ, Srivastava S, Haque M, Qadeer F. Morphological Variations in Fissures and Lobar Pattern in Human Lungs. Annals of international medical and dental research. 2016; 2(1):106-9.
Arora NK, Khan AZ, Haque M, Srivastava S, Qadeer F. Variations in Placental Attachment of Umbilical Cord. Annals of international medical and dental research. 2016;2(1):110-12.
Arora NK, Srivastava S, Haque M, Khan AZ, Singh K. Morphometric Study of Caudate Lobe of Liver. Annals of international medical and dental research. 2016; 2(1):275-79.
Haque M, Faruqi NA, Yunus SM. A Morphometric Study of Midline Sectioned Symphysis Pubis in Human Fetuses. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare.2015 Nov 23; 2(50): 8543-8547.
Haque M, Faruqi NA, Yunus SM. Morphometric Study of Subpubic Angle in Human Fetuses. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2015:1-4.DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/17699.0000
Haque M, Arora NK. Roentgenographical Study of Subpubic Angle in Population of Western Uttar Pradesh. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences. 2015; 4(2): 80-85.
Haque M, Faruqi NA, Yunus SM. Development of pubic symphysis – a morphometric study in fetuses. Annals of international medical and dental research. 2016; 2(2):7-10.
Anita, Haque M, Gupta A, Nasar A. Variation in tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis muscle in north india population with clinical implication. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2015 Jun; 9(6):10-12.
Anita, Sinha M, Sinha SK. Anatomical Studies with Clinical importance of Unusual Patterns of Abdominal Muscles in North Indian population. International Journal of Current medical and applied sciences. 2015 Jul; 7(2):86-90.
Agarwal J, Kumar V. A Study of ossified clinoid ligaments in sphenoid bone of north India skulls. Journal of the anatomical society of India.2015: 7-11.
Agarwal J. Additional right renal veins: clinical implication, Academia Anatomica International. 2015 Dec; 1(1):37-40.
Sharma V, Zaveri KK, Patel MM, Singel TC. Affect of Duration of Exposure of smokeless Tobacco on the Buccal Mucosal Cytology in the Male Population as Compared to Non-Exposed in the Saurasjtra region of Gujarat State. BIOMIRRO. 2015; 6(8):80-81.
Zaveri KK, Sharma V, Patel MM, Singel TC. Lumen diameter of coronary arteries in relation to sex: A histomorphometric study. BIOMIRRO.2015; 6(8):76-79.