The Department provides comprehensive medical education in the art and science of Pediatric medicine and imparts preventive, curative and promotive health care to dependent population of children and adolescents as well. Four postgraduate students are admitted every year. It aims to cultivate, encourage and sustain an attitude for basic and advanced research at all levels. The Pediatric care facility includes the Pediatric OPD, Pediatric ward, Intensive Care Units and an office complex. The Department has well equipped critical care areas like NICU, and PICU. There are eight beds each in NICU and PICU besides two HDU beds in PICU.
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Upadhyay P, Role of Ketamine in refactory status asthmaticus: a case report. Journal of Pediatrics Sciences 2013; 5 (196): 1-4.
Upadhyay P,Prasad PL,Madhok R, Pant DC, Rathee AVS.A case of Rhematic Heart Disease with mild aortic syndrome possibly due to Takayashu Arteritis.Journal of Paediatrics Science 2013;5 (181):1-4.
Agarwal SC, Kumar A. Teaching Methods in Undergraduates teaching and Extent of computer and internet use.A study at a medical college in north India. Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics 2013; 3(2): 186-190.
Agarwal SC, Kumari A.Use of the computer and internet by teacher in medical education. A study at a medical college in north Indian south East Asian journal of Medical Education 2013; 7(2): 40-44.
Unique pattern of mutations in B-Thalassemia patients in western Uttar Pradesh. Christopher AF,Kumari A,Chaudhary S,Hora S,Ali 2,Agarwal SC. Indian J Hum Genet 2013, 19(2): 207-12.
Kumar A,Agarwal SC.An unusual case of Ataxia;Joubert Syndrome Pak Pedia J 2013; 37(3): 185-87
Kumari A, Agarwal SC. Clinical & Laboratory Porfile of Wilson Disease in children: A study at a teaching Hospital North India NIJP Jan-March 2013; 2: 9-14.
Agarwal SC, Kumari A.Pneumocephalus in Pediatrics Patients. Pediascene, 2013 6(1): 6(1): 84–86.
Chauhan S, Gahlaut P, Menstrual Disorders in Adolescent: few observations Indian J Pediator, 2013; 8(2) 177-8.
Chauhan.S, Singh PK, Gahlaut P, Prasad PL.Correlation of Pulse oximeter and apgar scoring in the normal newborns. Chauhan.S, Singh PK, Gahalaut P, Prasad PL.J Clin Neonatal 2013; 2(1): 20-4.
Gahault P, Chauhan S. Vit K.deficiency bleeding presenting as nodular purpura in infancy: a rare and life threatery entity. Indian J Dermatol.2013; 58 (5):40.
Rai PL, Sharma N, Gaur. Shing wekar AG.Effects of Counselling on Breast feeding practices. Indian Journal of child Health 2014.Agarwal SC, Kumari A. Immunization status of children and the influence of social factors: A hospital based study in western Uttar Pradesh. Paediatrics Infectious Disesase.2013; 6(1):25-30.
Agarwal SC, Kumari A. Immunization status of children and the influence of social factors: A hospital based study in western Uttar Pradesh. Paediatrics Infectious Diseases. 2013;6(1) :25-30
Kumari A, Agarwal SC.Neoanatal Meningitis complicating with pneumocephalus Journal of Neurosciences in rural practices.2014; 5(1): 68-70.
Upadhyay P, Sinha Tushar. Survey of Skin disorders in newborns. Clinical observations in Rohilkhand Region.J of Evalution of Med and Dent Sci.2014, 3 (27):7450-58.
Rathee AVS, Prasad PL.Antioxidants in Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy.J Nepal Pediator Soc 2014; 34(3):171-174.
Bhatnagar R, Prasad PL. Bilateral anotia with congenital facial Palsy. J Nepal Pediatric Soc 2015, Vol 35; 195-7.
Chauhan S, Keriwal Peeyush, Kumari A, Shaili V. A study to evaluate the abnormal Menstruation Pattern in adolescent girls in Bareilly. Int J Med Res health Sci 2015, 4 (3); 1-7.
Kumari Anita, Singh AP. An Unusual case of digital gangrene: Cutaneous Polyarteritis nodosa. Ind j paed dermat 2015, 16 (3); 162-4.
Chauhan S, gahlaut P, Chandra K. icthyosis Follicularis alopecia and photophobia: transient Improvement with oral iso tretinoin. Ind j paed Dermat 2016, 16 (1); 39-41.