Hospital Services
There is round the clock pharmacy where practically all types of quality medicines of good reputed companies are available at a very reasonable price. The trust runs a ‘Free Medical Shop’ for patients where WHO prescribed drugs are provided free of cost.
SRMSIMS provides round the clock ambulance services to critically ill patients. The ambulances are fully equipped with gadgets for cardiac monitoring, invasive and non-invasive BP monitoring and ventilator support. An ICU trained Doctor, nurse and healthcare assistant accompany the patient during the transit period.
The Hospital has a Central Sterilization Department having vertical & horizontal sterilization machines that caters to all the requirements of Wards, OPD’s, Casualty and others.
Hospital has a Central Gas Plant which supplies Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide and Air through Central Pipe LIne to all the wards, OT, I.C.U., N.I.C.U. , P.I.C.U. and Emergency.
The Hospital has a Central O.T. Complex. The Theaters are well equipped with equipments such as Micro-scopes, Modern O.T. Light, C-ARM, Laproscope & Endoscope for all kinds of Laproscopic and Endoscopic Surgeries. It has a wide range of instrumentation to carry out simplest to complex surgeries. There is a separate sterilization Unit for O.T.
The Hospital has Central Mess which provides special and normal diet to the patients and to the hospital staff at very concession rates. The Mess maintains a high level of Hygiene while preparing & serving the meals. A special lift has been provided in the hospital to transport the meals to different wards.
Hospital has a fully Automatic Laundry catering to the need of wards, patients, doctors, students and staff.