Mechanical Engineering

Goal of the Programme

The B.Tech. Programme has been designed taking into view the needs of various industries. The programme is regularly updated to cope with the ever-changing technology and demands of the industry. Our goal is to provide the requisite platform to budding engineers and technocrats to sharpen their reasoning, analytical and communication skills along with requisite technical knowledge so that they can meet with confidence the future challenges of growing technology. Emphasis is laid on enhancing computer and soft skills of students of all branches

Admission Procedure

B.Tech – Ist Year

Admissions are as per the following :

85% seats of total intake of all branches are allotted according to the merit list of UPSEE / AIEEE as per State Government directives through online counseling.

15% seats of total intake & Vacant/Lapsed seats in all branches are allocated on the basis of merit of 10+2 marks in PCM and aptitude test carried out by the college.

B.Tech – IInd Year

Candidates who have passed Diploma (with minimum 60% marks) recognised by UP Board of Technical Education in any branch of Engineering/Technology except Agriculture Engg. or B.Sc. (PCM) with 60% marks are eligible for
admission to second year. Applicant must have appeared in UPSEE.

Fee Structure

Fee structure is available on college website. Fee to be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “SRMSCET” payable at Bareilly for Bareilly Campus, & “SRMSCETR” payable at Bareilly for SRMS CETR College, Bareilly.


4 Years Full Time

Integrity of system

All admissions are done maintaining transparency at every level.

The admission against management quota is done through advertisement and the list
of applicants and their merit is displayed on college notice board.


Pass in the final examination of 10+2 or equivalent (with 60% marks in P.C.M.) from a recognised board. The student must also have a minimum of 40% marks in above subjects.

*IInd Year Admission

60% in Diploma/B.Sc.(PCM).

The branch of study once allocated by the SEE.UPTU shall not be changed; however, such a change may be allowed against vacant seats at the beginning of IInd year, on the basis of merit in the B.Tech. 1st year examination result (without any back and grace marks).

Change of branch may be allowed against the vacant seats in the following two stages:

  • In first year branch change should be completed within 10 days of the last date of admission to the B.Tech., Ist Semester, strictly on the basis of combined general merit of entrance examination on vacant seat (s).

  • After change of branch, number of students in branch (s) shall neither increase over the intake approved by A.I.C.T.E. nor decrease below 75% of intake approved by A.I.C.T.E.

In the second year (Third semester) Branch Change should be completed according to the following criteria:

  • Branch Change at the college level shall be carried out by the Director / Principal of the college.
  • Facility of Branch Change at the Second Year (Third Semester) level shall be available only to meritorious students and shall not be considered as a matter of right.
  • Branch Change is permitted at Third Semester (Second Year) only.
  • For the purpose of branch change, the “prescribed intake” shall be the intake prescribed by AICTE for the previous

  • academic session including 10% intake for fee waiver seats, if applicable, when the students were admitted at firstsemester level. Subsequent variations in intake shall have no bearing on the students eligible for branch change.[/icon_list_item]
  • Maximum number of students permitted to change of branch shall be 25% of the students enrolled in the first year inthe respective branch (s), subject to the strength of the class not decreasing below 75% of enrolled students and also not below 50% of intake approved by AICTE. After branch change the intake must not be more than approved AICTEintake including the fee waiver seats.

  • Branch change can be made only against clear vacancy in a particular branch, Vacancy (V) being defined as: V=I – (Reg+ Rep + Lat)

    where I = The prescribed intake for the branch including 10% intake for fee waiver seats.
    Reg = No. of regular students who have been promoted & registered in third semester (including NRI & Management Quota seats)

    Rep = No. of students from previous batches, registered in third semester as a regular students. Lat = No. of students admitted & registered in third semester directly through lateral entry against vacant seats at first year level.Branch Change shall not be permitted to any course

    where (Reg + Rep + Lat) > or = I under no circumstances, there shall be any exception to the above stipulations.

  • Branch Change shall be strictly according to the Merit list prepared by the college on the basis of total marks obtained by a student in First Year University Examination. Only those students who have passed in all the subjects (without any carry over paper or grace in any subject of any semester) shall be considered.

  • B.Tech. Biotechnology, B.Tech. Agriculture or Lateral Entry students shall not be eligible for branch change.

  • Students admitted on any seat which is over and above the AICTE sanctioned intake (such as Lateral entry, Kashmiri migrant) shall not be eligible for branch change.

  • Change of Branch should be completed within 10 days of the announcement of First & Second Semester (First Year)result.

  • Excess intake in any branch shall disentitle the college to effectuate any branch change in that discipline until the punitive measure, such as reduction in intake etc. as imposed by UPTU is effective.

  • College / students shall not be entitled to any relief, if the guidelines mentioned above for permitting branch change are not strictly adhered to.

The curriculum prescribed by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow will be followed by the college which is available on the website of the University.

Specialized Laboratories

Mechanical Engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Dynamics of Machines
  • Computer Aided Drafting
  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Material Science
  • Heat & Mass Transfer
  • Mechanical Measurements
  • Fluid Machinery
  • Refrigeration & Air-conditioning
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Machine Design
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Drawing Hall