Comprehensive Health & Heart Check Up
₹7100- E.C.G. Charges
- Haemoglobin HB
- TLC Total Leukocyte Count
- DLC Diff. Leucocyte Count
- ESR Test (Wintrobe)
- blood Group ABO RH
- Platelet Count
- Urine R + M
- Serum Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Lipid Profile - Basic
- Plasma Glucose Fasting
- Plasma Glucose PP
- S. Sodium
- S.Potassium
- S.Calcium
- S.Uric Acid
- S.Alkaline Phosphtase
- S.Protein Total
- S.Albumin
- Chest PA
- USG Whole Abdomen
- Colour Doppler (2d Echo)
- Spirometry Charges
- Breakfast
- Consultation From Dietician
- Assessment By Cardiologist
- Assessment By Physician
Advisable for all people with any issues realted to the heart or having a family history of heart diseases or diabetes includes all investigations of executive health check up & a cardiac profile.