Knee Replacement Surgery… Never been so easy
Goodlife Hospital Bareilly has been well recognized in recent times for carrying out Total Knee replacement surgeries (TKR) and made it so simple & easy. These surgeries are being performed with ‘MINI’ Technique and completely painless. We are doing Revision as well as reconstruction Knee surgeries both unilateral and bilateral. These surgeries are done through minimal incision with precision and deliver great level of satisfaction to the patients. It takes 20- 30 minutes of times in completing the surgery and after few hours of surgery, patient is able to walk independently. He or she can climb stairs next day and get discharged in 3 to 4 day after TKR. It is revolutionizing Total Knee Replacement surgery and has been established as Exclusive & Dedicated Centre of TKR in Bareilly and around.
In 3 months of time, more than 50 successful TKR surgeries with ‘MINI’ Technique gave confidence to residents of Bareilly and periphery that no more requirement is left to go Delhi or other metro cities for TKR surgery. As far as cost of TKR is concerned, it is half of that of being done in big cities.
MINI Technique & TKR
‘MINI Technique’ Means TKR surgery is done with minimal incision, minimum pain, minimum tissue handling, minimum blood loss, minimum physiotherapy and minimum recovery time.
A truly revolutionary knee replacement surgery procedure called “MINI TECHNIQUE” means keeping every invasive step and associated factors at minimum.
This is truly great news for those suffering from issues that require knee replacement surgery. People over the age of the 50 often face problems with their knees due to osteoarthritis, and opt for Total Knee Replacement Surgery. Total Knee Replacement Surgery (also known as TKR surgery) is a surgical procedure wherein the knee is replaced with artificial parts made from metals or plastic. This replacement could involve one side of the knee or the entire knee.
Advantages of ‘MINI Technique
This technique comes with many advantages. The first advantage is that the technique requires minimum surgical time ie mere 20 - 30 minutes – this is truly a revolution in the history of surgery.
Another advantage is that this is a minimally invasive procedure – there is minimal incision leading to less exposure of body tissues. It has been proven that the combination of minimum surgical time and minimum exposure helps patient spend lesser time in OT and healing becomes faster .Within few hours of the surgery, patients are made to walk so as to ensure maximum flexion of muscles – this exercise also leads to confidence-building.
Another great advantage is the minimum intake of drugs required by the procedure – there is less consumption of pain killer and antibiotics leading to minimum drug-related side effects. There is not only less infection and side effects but also less blood loss. Being a painless procedure with minimum hospital stay, minimum exposure and quick healing, this procedure leads to less emotional and mental stress on both the patient and the family.