DRAVYA-The Finance Club had organised the event named 'PRESUPUESTO' on 6th May 2023.The event initiated with lighting of lamp by all the admirable faculty members and student club coordinators.
In this event each team had shown their talent and skills through their presentations.Teams had presented the core analysis of Union budget 2023-24 and also discussed about its positive and negative approach.The event was judged by Prof.(Dr.)Manoj Pandey ,Prof.(Dr.)Ekta rastogi and Dr.Tanmay pant .The key factors of the event were that,through descriptive analysis students had learned to characterize, summarise,organise data and persuasive skills has been also enhanced. The event was interspersed by surprise quizzes related to the subject matter.
Team D(Finance wolves)bagged 1st prize, Team B(Money masters) was the 1st runner up , Team A(Wealth warriors) was the 2nd runner up and Team C(Rupee rulers) got consolation prize.
The winners were encouraged with a certificates and medals.The participants were also given certificate as a token of encouragement.
The event was led and executed successfully under the guidance of Prof.(Dr.)Arun Banerjee and Dr.Raj Kumar Srivastav.Dedication of all the club coordinators was truly appreciated.
The event was successfully wind up with the recitation of National Anthem.