18th February, 2k17-19th February, 2k17
SRMS CET is recognized as a benchmark institution in terms of defining standards of quality education. The Sprawling scenic and serene campus stretching to over 30 acres, provides an ideal atmosphere for the pursuit of academic as well as extra-curricular activities.
About the Event
Every year Trust organizes its Annual-Fest for the students to exhibit their hidden talents .ZEST – the platform where the elated minds can unleash their creativity, showcase their performance, get accolades and spread flamboyant colors and synchronize into fun and frolic experiences which come up every year. This is the time of the year when the students are at their best. It is a rendezvous with music, dance and dramatics leaving behind the mundane concerns of day-to-day life.
“The mightier than the mightiest ‘’……….The Conqueror It is said that “He who conquers others is strong but the one who conquers himself is mighty”.
The entitled theme for this year is ‘Charges de joie’…..as it defines itself as the perennial flow of enthusiasm, excitement, euphoria, ecstasy, elation and exhilaration embodied in ZEST.
Event Domains
Aamod 2K17
“True sportsmanship is excellence in motion”
Aamod is devised as SRMSCET to achieve Physical and Mental synergy while studying the technical and Professional courses. It is perceived to have a common platform where the participants could deliver their talents of Physical and Mental synergy and competitiveness while maintaining the sportsman spirit.
The notion behind this event is to develop the overall personality of the students while studying the selected courses.
Events@Aamod 2k17
“Sports do not build Character. They reveal it”