Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Digital Marketing at SRMS IBS

admin Latest News & Events, SRMS International Business School, Lucknow

A guest lecture was scheduled on October 9, 2021 at SRMSIBS on the topic “Recent trends in Digital Marketing”. This guest lecture was organized for all the students of PGDM, BBA, BCA and B.Com (H).The resource person for this guest lecture was a renowned and acclaimed blogger and influencer Ms. Shubhi Garg. She runs a blog “Picker at Pace” which is into fashion, food and lifestyle. In her lecture she has deliberated her insights on E-Mail Marketing, Google Ad Word, User Generated Content, and Keywords, SMS Marketing, What’s App, WOM and Influencer Marketing. It was indeed a very pragmatic and interactive session which has fostered great learning about digital marketing amongst enthusiastic students.