The more we feel concern for others and seek their well-being, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel.”, with this thought we welcomed our energetic and enthusiastic juniors on 15th December 2021. It was a memorable day in the life of every fresher of MCA Batch 2021 at, SRMSCET, Bareilly. The fresher’s day was filled with excitement, joy, music, enthusiasm, laughter and happiness.
The epoch initiated by inaugural ceremony. The ceremony started with the welcome of guests Mr. Aditya Murti, Secretary, SRMS Trust, Er. Subhash Mehra, Trust Advisor, Dr. Prabhakar Gupta, Dean Academics, Dr. Anuj Kumar, Head- MCA & Director TDP, Dr. Ruchi Jain Garg, Head – MBA followed by the auspicious lamp lightening ceremony and prayers of Maa Saraswati.
Shri Adiya Murti ji congratulated all the freshers for joining MCA course in SRMSCET, He said fresher party is very important event as it establishes an emotional bond among students. He also mentioned that juniors must learn to establish a bond of faith and trust with their seniors and apart from that he emphasized on learning new technologies and improving coding skills for the better development and for grabbing better job opportunities.
The celebration was taken forward to next step with the cake cutting ceremony, after that each and every Freshii introduced themselves into all the dignitaries, faculty members and their seniors, followed by their individual performance.
Last but not the least the main attraction of the party was Prize distribution ceremony where the result was declared as Mr. Fresher’s – Mr. Abhinav Uphadhya, Miss. Fresher’s – Miss Anchal Gupta, Mr. Talent – Mr. Shubham, Miss. Talent – Miss Mansi Shrivastava