The 4th National Conference focuses on “Paradigm Shift in Business Practices”

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Businesses are increasingly working in complex scenarios conditioned by changing global priorities, cross-functional synergies, the need for innovation, and a “do more with less” economic climate.As emerging challenges trigger a paradigm shift in managing businesses, efficient handling of “change” to advance strategies and achieve goals gaining centre stage.

Keeping this perspective in view, Shri Ram Murti Smarak International Business School, Lucknow, in association with Faculty of Management Sciences, SRMSCET, Bareilly, organized the 4th National Conference on “Paradigm Shift in Business Practices”. The highly engaging one-day session held on 20 January 2018 witnessed the Chief Guest Professor P.K. Chaubey (Director, Institute of Management Sciences, Lucknow University) sharing his thoughts on this theme of tremendous topical relevance.Taking a realistic approach to the topic, later ProfessorShyamal Gupta (Director, SRMSIBS, Lucknow) presented practical insights of wide significance for students, teachers, and practitioners of business.

Chaired by Professor S.D. Mishra (Principal, Shri Jai Narain PG College), the first technical session stood out for the perceptive observations from Mr. Ikram Khan (Deputy General Manager, HR, RSPL). In the second technical session, chaired by Professor A.K. Sengupta (Ex-Pro–Vice-Chancellor, Lucknow University), a range of thought provoking papers were presented by students.The highlight was the release of Proceedings of the 4th National Conference – a culmination of over thirty articles contributed by researchers and academicians from all over India.

As Convener, Professor Ekta Rastogi played an important role in putting together the various strands of the conference. With over 100 delegates from Faculty of Management Studies, Department of Commerce and Business Management, Amity University, Lucknow and Department of Business Administration, University of Lucknow, the conference was attended by students, scholars, teachers, academicians, and professionals.

Informative, analytical, and research-based, the presentations generated crucial discussions involving stakeholders from the academia and industry. A vital requirement when addressing paradigm shift in business practices.