Workshop on Robotics Sponsored by Institution of Engineers (India) Bareilly Local Centre

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In order to provide the students with an exposure of coding environment and the practical application of the knowledge that they have gained throughout their academic session, the department of electrical engineering has taken an initiative by conducting a workshop on Robotics Sponsored by Institution of Engineers (India) Bareilly Local Centre. It began with the blessings of Maa Saraswati, our traditional lamp lighting ceremony. The entire workshop was divided into 2 sessions. The first session a brief introduction to line follower robot and edge follower robot was provided by the resource persons followed by Designing Fabrication and assembling was arranged for the students to test their skills.

The first session began with the introduction to robotics, making the students familiar with the world of robotics. After that, an extended idea about the LFR (Line Follower Robot) was provided to the students by the resource persons.

In the same sequence student also learned about the Fabrication, assembling of different components followed by coding for both LFR & EFR robot.

In the second session starts with coding and testing of both robots (LFR & EFR) and a competition was arranged for the students whose deciding parameters were minimum time and minimum man handling taken by robot to complete the track. After that, the prize distribution ceremony arranged for the distribution of prizes and merit certificates for winner team member by Dean Academics Dr.Prabhakar Gupta followed by Thanks.