Shri Ram Murti Smarak Engineering Institutions, Bareilly – Lucknow added another feather in its cap by organizing a Pool Campus Recruitment Drive of Daffodil Software Pvt. Ltd., Hisar (Haryana) on March 18, 2018 for the students of B.Tech(CS/IT) & MCA. The colleges who participated in the drive are SRMS CET- Bareilly / Lucknow, SRMS CETR- Bareilly, RBMI-Bareilly, MJPRU-Bareilly, TMU-Moradabad, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology-Pantnagar, Birla Engineering College-Bheemtal, BTKIT-Daurahat, and Amrapali Group-Haldwani.
Daffodil Software Pvt. Limited equip smart companies with smarter solutions. Their all-round expertise in Web, Mobile and Cloud solutions has brought about a change in some of the top businesses, setting global milestones as they go. From Startups to Sterling Enterprises, Products Companies to Savvy Marketing Agencies. They have sailed these territories with their cutting edge technologies and came out with flying colors.
As an initial process, representatives from Daffodil Software delivered a pre placement talk followed by an Online Technical Test in which 129 students participated. 28 students qualified the Online Technical Test and appeared in the Online Coding Test wherein 08 students (07 from SRMS Engineering Institutions & 01 from TMU, Moradabad) were shortlisted by the company for the final interview. The final result will shortly be declared by the company.