Independence Day Celebration at SRMS IMS

admin Hospitals & Healthcare, SRMS Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly

ना पूछो ज़माने से कि क्या हमारी कहानी है,
हमारी पहचान तो बस इतनी है कि हम सब हिन्दुस्तानी हैं…!!

With this sentiment in our hearts, on the occasion of our 72nd Independence Day of our Country, students and teachers of SRMS IMS, SRMS Nursing & SRMS Paramedical and other Administrative Staff gathered to celebrate the day with pride and joy.

The event commenced with the flower offering to Bapuji, Father of our Nation and Babuji, Shri Ram Murti Ji, our Inspiration. This was followed by flag hoisting done by Chairman Sir as the entire gathering rose for the National Anthem.

With their soulful voices girls of SRMS IMS Sang Saare Jahan se Achaa. Further invoking sense of patriotism students of SRMS Paramedical gave a strong yet melodious performance.

Chairman Sir, highlighted the importance of freedom and motivated all to strive to work hard.

Vote of thanks by Dr. S.K Handa Sir and lunch marked the end of the event.