Industrial Visit – Chilla Hydro Power Plant of B.Tech. (EN) Students

admin Latest News & Events, News, SRMS College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly

An industrial tour was arranged for the B.Tech. Third Year students of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at Chilla Hydro Power Plant, Haridwar on 6th December 2021 wherein a total number of 30 students and 2 faculty visited the plant.

In accordance with Covid-19 guidelines, the HR of Chilla Hydro Power Plant, Haridwar permitted the visit of students in three groups of 10 students each.

The instructor of Chilla Hydro Power Plant informed the students that the Chilla Power Project includes a 312 m long and 11.5 m high gated diversion barrage at Pashulok, about 4 km from the holy city of Rishikesh.

There are four generation units with vertical Kaplan turbines directly coupled with synchronous generators. This power station was commissioned in the year 1981. He further illustrated the major features of the hydro power generation project.

Students took great interest in Water Conducting System, Design Discharge, Turbine Type and Output, Generator Type and Output, Main Transformer etc. The students also learned about UJVN Limited and its role in the establishment, operation and maintenance of power generation stations.