Report of Industrial Visit to U.P.N.E.D.A., Chinhut, Lucknow

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The visit started at 09:30 hours from the college campus to U.P.N.E.D.A. (Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency), Chinhut Lucknow. The students from ECE (pre-final year & final year) & EN were excited to go through the industry of SPVs (Solar Photo Voltaics) and STS (Solar Thermal Systems). We reached the plant at 11:00 hours and quickly Mr. Anoop Kumar, Technical Head, U.P.N.E.D.A attended the students. He started the session with sites seeing where various SPS (Solar Power Systems) are installed & explained the grid type & battery bank type systems in detailed. Later on, he showcased different applications of solar power like solar water heater, solar still, solar boiler, etc. with their technical specifications. At last but not the least, the students had a knowledgeable query session with the attender and enriched their knowledge about the projects to be made on the same track of solar energy. The session ended by 13:30hours and we reached back to our campus within the working hours.

The students were accompanied by Mr. Kartik Goyal (Asst. Prof., ECE Dept.) & Mr. Mukesh Kr. Singh (Asst. Prof., EN Dept.).