27 Jan. 2018 to 31 Jan. 2018.
The camp was started with inaugural ceremony. The chief guest was SRMS trust secretory Shri Aditya Murti, with trust administrator Er. Subhash Mehra and Dean Academics Dr Prabhakar Gupta, TDP head Anuj Kumar and inspire coordinators Er. Rateesh Agarwal, Er. Sachin Agarwal and Er. Ashish Agarwal with more than 200 trainee students from various Inter colleges were present. The camp was held for five days.
The first mentor for the first day of Inspire camp was Dr. D. K. Saxena (Dept. of Botany, Bareilly College, Bareilly). He talked about various issues related to environment as he told that 1/32nd part of the earth is suitable for human residence, so we should be friendly towards the nature and protect the mother earth.The second mentor was Dr Prabhakar Gupta (Dean Academics SRMSCET, Bareilly). He talked about various concept of mathematics with videos and also explained how India played a key role in Maths. Through the help of mathematical puzzles he explained how students can solve various mathematics problem easily and effortlessly.
On the second day Shri G. S. Sodhi (Dept. of Chemistry, Forensic Science Unit, SGTB, Khalsa College, University of Delhi) started his seminar. He talked about Forensic science that through finger print we can easily distinguish different persons. He discussed different case study which shows the importance of scientific methods to solve the criminal case. Then Sri Hukum Singh (Former Dean Academics in NCERT, New Delhi), motivated the students and told importance of INSPIRE CAMP. He told mathematics is essential for science. He insisted for learning by doing method for the students.
On the third day Prof. Gagan Gupta (NCERT, New Delhi), make aware of the basics of physics by performing some experiments. Then Prof. Laxmi Kant Sharma (National Academy and council for science and technology, U. P.), gave five key of success as Imagination, Creation Knowledge skills, and action. He declined superstition with the help of science experiments. And also told students different uses of science in their daily life.
On the Fourth Day Prof. Dhruv Sen (Dept. of Geology, University of Lucknow), discussed about the importance of river and myths related to it. He told us that nature is that part of the earth which can’t be constrained by human beings. Then Dr Deepak Sharma (Dept. of Neurobiology in Ageing, JNU, New Delhi). He told that necessity is mother of invention and insisted that student should revise their subject from time to time, this creates an image of it in their mind and it increases their memorizing power. With that, he explained about brain power.
On the fifth day Dr Nand Gopal Sahoo (Associate professor, Dept. of Chemistry incharge Nano Science and Technology Centre Kumaon University DSB Campus Nanital) explained about Nano-technology and told about Nanoparticles, Nanostructure, Nano materials etc. Then Dr Arvind Prasad (I. V. R. I. Izzatnagar, Bareilly) gave knowledge about health, disease and their treatment to the students. He then clarified the doubts of the students in brief regarding health & disease.
The Laboratory experiments were also done for the students for different labs as Physics lab, Chemistry lab, Electronics lab, Computer lab, Pharmacy lab and Engineering workshop, where students had experienced the respective lab environment and done few practical. The sports activities were also organized for the inspire interns. On the evening before last day of Inspire camp, cultural programs were organized where interns had shown their talent in form of dancing, singing, poetry etc.. One innovative idea competition was also organized to bring out the unique technical ideas from students.
The closing ceremony of the Inspire internship Camp was held on 31st Jan 2018 in the presence of SRMS CET trust administrator Er. Subhash Mehra, Dean Academics Dr Prabhakar Gupta, Director Pharmacy Dr Lalit Singh, Er. Rateesh Agarwal and Er. Sachin Agarwal. All the dignitaries had motivated the interns and wish them good luck for their bright future. At the end of closing ceremony, certificate, gifts and prizes were distributed among the students.