SRMS Contouring Classes – 11th Hands on Workshop by Dept. of Radiation Oncology, SRMS-IMS, Bareilly

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A two day 11th hands on workshop of SRMS Contouring Classes with the theme “Contouring of Pelvic Malignancies” was held on 14th-15th November, 2019. The workshop aims to teach faculty and residents about the contouring concepts- identification and delineation of normal structures, OARs and CTVs on TPS.

Dr. Piyush Kumar, Professor and Head of Department was Course Chairman and Dr. Arvind Kumar Chauhan (Asso. Prof) & Dr. Pavan Kumar (Asst Prof) were Course Coordinators. Senior Residents and Junior Residents from AIIMS (Rishikesh), Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical College (Kangra), Kamla Nehru Memorial Hospital (Allahabad), KGMC (Lucknow) and S.N. Medical College (Agra) attended this workshop.

This workshop is unique and only of its kind in whole India where delegates are given 10 hours of hands on training on treatment planning system.

At the end of this workshop the delegates were able to identify the normal structures and OARs of Thorax. Moreover the delegates were able to delineate various clinical target volumes of Thoracic region.

The Medical Physics team demonstrated the VMAT planning of Cancer Cervix which was followed by the live demonstration of delivery of Radiotherapy by IGRT technique. The delegates appreciated the efforts taken by the Medical Physics and technical team to come on a holiday and provide a visual impact of the IMRT and IGRT technique.

The Instructors for the course were Dr. Ayush Garg, Dr. Shubhi Agarwal and Dr. Srinivas Naidu (Senior Residents) along with two tutors Dr. Ankita Mehta and Dr. Kritika Mehrotra.

The workshop was well appreciated by delegates and the feedback was very motivating. The resident from KGMC (Lucknow) Dr. Abigail, who attended this contouring session for first time, commented “A very beautiful workshop. I would recommend every resident to attend this workshop in their residency. Many gaps in our knowledge filled by our tutors and consultants. SRMS RT department is truly admirable and every inspiring to be here”.

With every forthcoming session, the department is trying to improvise on the contents of practical teaching. A compact disk consisting of a collection of relevant books, articles and contouring guidelines is also being provided to the delegates along with a booklet for reference.

The Department of Radiation Oncology has set another milestone in SRMS-IMS of not only educating this latest technology to their P.G students but also to those faculty and residents of different medical colleges who do not have this technology. This training will help the residents to become aware about delineation aspects in Head and Neck Tumors. The department’s motto is “Treating patients, Teaching post graduates, Training Specialists”.