SRMS Faculty Development Programme on Microsystems & Advanced Semiconductor Devices

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This FDP will provide an unparalleled knowledge gathering initiative for diversified topics of discussion and insights in unraveling the wonders in the field of “Microsystems & Advanced Semiconductor Devices” which also paves way for generations of researchers and scholars in acquiring knowledge and information by meeting face to face with the experts. Discussion on the research results from micro scale semiconductor devices to nanoscale semiconductor devices and their modeling will reduce the gap between the academic and industry approach in setting the new standard.


Device scaling for optimum performance, least power consumption & miniaturization requires the introduction of advanced process module, smart material technology, innovative device architecture and use of alternative devices operation principles compared to standard technology. CMOS technology is at its final phase of it life cycle, new materials and device concept needs attention and explorations to optimize the potential even more than Moore’s Approach. Going beyond ‘Si’ with group IV alloys can provide higher efficiency and enable new device concepts in a compatible materials system.

This FDP will provide an extensive coverage on the following topics:

  • Semiconductor single crystal growth.
  • Nano-materials and devices.
  • Polysilicon for Photo-Voltaic applications.
  • Patterning challenges for Monolithic Si Photonics.
  • Semiconductor Physics & Modeling
  • Microelectronics Technology
  • Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices and Circuit Model.
  • Beyond CMOS Technology.
  • Semiconductor in Microwave Signal Generation and Processing.
  • Lab Sessions on Xilinx Vivado


The sessions of this Faculty Development Programme shall be conducted by the team of eminent academicians & industry experts possessing in depth knowledge in the area of Microsystems & Advanced Semiconductor Devices .It will consist of a series of lectures and hands-on practical sessions.


All the faculty members of engineering colleges affiliated to Dr. A.P.J.A.K. Technical University, Lucknow can join this FDP to enhance their skills and expertise in the area.

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