Wing of VERVE Club, Exprimo organized a street play “Rashtrapita” on Eve of Gandhi Jayanti at SRMS CET&R

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“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”.Mahatma Gandhi

On Monday, October 1, 2018, the Wing of VERVE Club, Exprimo organized a street play “Rashtrapita”.

The play started in the campus of SRMS CET&R at 4:10 pm. The Father of the Nation, one of the architects of our Independence, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later known as the Mahatma, was born on 2 October 1869. There had been many episodes in the life of our Father of the Nation- the Mahatma. This play presented before us the life of the Father of the Nation, M. K. Gandhi. It is true that Gandhi’s life story has always been an inspiration for us. As he was an ardent follower of the King Harishchandra, he made everyone believe in the power of unity. He proved that everything is possible through truth and non-violence. Gandhi was a social reformer who died after completing the aim of his life.

The students made the concerted efforts to realize us the values of Bapu Ji. The play enlightened the students about the struggles, ideas, efforts and the success of a Mahatma who brought country independence solely through his belief in non-violence.