Shri Ram Murti Smarak Engineering Institutions, Bareilly – Lucknow added another feather in its cap by organizing a campus recruitment drive of renowned organization – uCertify on September 12-13, 2017. It is an U.S based IT company located in San Francisco, USA, Allahabad and Noida. Mr. Sumit Rao, Senior Manager HR and Mr. Ayush Mittal, Production Manager, from UCertify visited the campus for conducting the placement drive.
As an initial process, representatives from UCertify delivered a Pre-Placement Talk followed by selection process comprising of Online Aptitude Test, Gorup Discussion, Online Programming Test, Technical & HR Interview. A total number of 283 students participated in the placement drive. A total number of 7 students were selected and 3 students were shortlisted for the Final Interview to be held at Noida Office of the company.