FDP – Advancements in Manufacturing Technologies : Mechatronics, Automation and Robotics

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This Faculty Development Program is sponsored by AKTU under TEQIP III and aimed to enhance the quality of classroom delivery of academic programs being run and foster a better ecosystem for research and innovation in the institutions. It is intended to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and research in the manufacturing technologies. It is well known that the technologies are continuing to push the boundaries of conventional manufacturing. The traditional production layouts are slowly being replaced by “smart” and “automated” processes. This FDP will provide a suitable exposure to the participants on latest advancements on manufacturing with specific reference to Mechatronics, Automation and Robotics. It will equip the facultymembers with required skills and knowledge to improve the teaching learning process in the related subjects of interest. The faculty members of the engineering colleges affiliated to Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, can participate in this FDP. Although this FDP is specially designed for the faculty members of engineering disciplines from Mechanical, Production, Industrial, Manufacturing technologies etc. the faculty members of other department who wish to enhance their knowledge in interdisplinary areas of manufacturing can also participate.


The faculty members of the engineering colleges affiliated to Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, can participate in this FDP. Although this FDP is specially designed for the faculty members of engineering disciplines from Mechanical, Production, Industrial, Manufacturing technologies etc. the faculty members of other department who wish to enhance their knowledge in interdisplinary areas of manufacturing can also participate.


The sessions of this Faculty Development Program shall be conducted by the team of eminent academicians & industry experts possessing in-depth knowledge in the area of Advance Manufacturing Technology. It will consist of a series of lectures, interactions and hands-on practical sessions. Some identified subthemes on which the talk would be delivered by eminent resource persons are.

  • Advance manufacturing methods.
  • Advanced unconventional machining methods.
  • Advanced welding technology.
  • Flexible manufacturing system.
  • Industrial automation.
  • Introduction to robotics (Mobile robotics, Micro and Nano robotics).
  • Introduction to mechatronics.
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic system.
  • CNC machines and its programming.
  • SCADA & Fuzzy logic.


There is no Registration Fee. The interested participants are required to fill the Registration Form available at our website www.srms.ac.in and send it by E-Mail (Scanned copy after due signatures)at E-mail: srmscet.unnao@srmscet.edu at the earliest but not later than 24th June, 2018.

The college will provide accommodation to the participants of this program on sharing basis. The allotment of the accommodation will be based on first come basis and depends on the availability. The participants who need accommodation during program are required to make request for that in the registration form.

This is a Five Days programme scheduled from 26th to 30th June, 2018 from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The participants are required to attend all sessions to get participation certificate.

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