With this in mind OATH TAKING CEREMONY for VERVE 2020-21 took place on 16th January 2021. The function started with the garlanding ceremony of Goddess Saraswati by Hon’ble Chairman Sir Mr.Dev Murti, Trust Secretary Mr. Aditya Murti, Mrs.Richa Murti, Trust administrator, Dean Academics, Academic Coordinator, Dean Students’ Welfare and members of Verve.
Verve secretary for the session 2019-20, Mr.Aniket Sharma was invited for his last speech as the secretary of the student welfare association. His words were beautifully combined together and left everybody awestruck as he spoke all that was the need of the moment. It was followed by a video, which gave a glance to the journey of verve 2019-20 and presented the annual report of the team. After this, the most awaited event took place, the Oath Taking Ceremony. The top panel of verve 2k20 including President Mr.Utkarsh Singh Srinet , Secretary cum Treasure Mr. Paras Pradhan , Ms.Ankita Shrivastva, Vice Presidents Ms. Amrita Mishra and Mr.Vaibhav Tamta , Joint Secretaries Mr.Ankit Sharma and Ms.Prerna Jain took the oath.
Later, the oath taking ceremony took place for Cultural Heads Mr. Suchit Agarwal and Ms.Priya Yadav , Technical Heads Mr. Ritik Srivastva and Ms.Sumbul Khan, Sports Heads Mr. Roshan Pathak and Ms.Kumari Sheetal, Judgement Coordinator Mr. Ayush Chaudhary and Ms.Ayushi Rastogi Chairperson Elixir Aman Pradhan, Chairperson Exprimo Chitransh Bhatnagr, Chairperson Esoterics Mr.Mayank Maurya, Chairperson Aaveg Mr. Anubhaw kumar, Chairperson Neophytes Ms .Seema Giri, Chairperson Raaga Mr. Bharat Shakya, Chairperson Creations Mr.Aman Gangwar, Milieu Director Mr. KeshavUpadhyay , Milieu Dy. Director Ms. Urooj Khan and Executive Ms. Alshifa, Ms.Jyoti Singh , Ms.Sakshi Yadav, Ms.Aishwarya, Ms.Drishti Sharma, Ms.Dristi Sharma , Mr. Sharad Gangwar Mr.Prateek Nagaich.
President 2k20 spoke his heart out on this occasion. The gathering was later blessed by the words of Hon’ble Chairman Sir Sri Dev Murti. He distributed gifts and certificate for the top panel of 2k19.
The ceremony was ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Secretary Verve 2k20 Ms. Ankita Shrivastva