Chief Proctor’s Message 

Mr. Ankur Kumar
Mr. Ankur Kumar
Chief Proctor
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Engineering

“Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates” H. Jackson Brown

Welcome to all students,

I wish heartiest congratulations to you for joining SRMS CETR.

As you are a member of this prestigious institution, you are expected to be a sensible and disciplined student. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Jim Rohn

As the chief proctor, it is my duty and the duty of all members of Proctorial Board to maintain discipline in the college, but it will not be achieved without your cooperation. Discipline plays an important role in the life of an individual person and group of persons. It is the path to a successful life and key to freedom from rigidity of thought and bad perspective of life.

“Discipline is wisdom and vice versa.”M. Scott Peck

We practice discipline in all the domains and expect the same from the students.

The college encourages the students to take part in the academics as well as extracurricular activities of the college. You are expected to spend quality time with your friends, You interact with teachers, go to library and equip yourself with knowledge and do whatever you want but remember that you are a student and have certain limits. You are expected not to cross the limits, maintain the decorum and be in discipline.

You may find some kind of restrictions in college. Those restrictions are not shackles in the legs of the students rather they teach them how to be in limits, what to do and what not to do, and how to do anything. And that is discipline. This discipline that you are going to practice in college life will become your habit, and habits play significant role in giving shape to the future. The discipline gives wings to fly in sky of dreams.

I and each member of Proctorial Board wish all the students a very bright future.

“Rule your mind or it will rule you.” Horace