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The first definitive evidence has been reported for a chemical bond between two negatively charged molecules of bisulphate or H2SO4 ,a new molecular structure with potential application to the safe storage of nuclear waste.

The existence of this structure—-a supramolecule with two negatively charged ions was regarded impossible since it is against coulombs law anion anion dimerization is not possible. However, two hydroxyl ions can in fact be chemically bonded. In molecular chemistry two monomer molecules connected by a strong covalent bond are called dimer. In supramolecular chemistry, dimers are connected by many weak non covalent bonds. Although supramolecular chemistry started with an effort to create new molecular hosts that hold on to complementary molecular guest through covalent bonds but it has recently branched to explore non covalent interaction between guests in order to create new species.

Dr. Ritu Singh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Science & Humanities at SRMS College of Engineering, Technology, & Research, Bareilly.

Dr. Prof. Ritu Singh