Janhit Jagran organized by Dainik Jagran at SRMS CET

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DATE: 06th September 2018.
Time: – 11:30 a.m.
Venue: Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering and Technology, Bareilly.

“One move can start a movement”, wonderfully quoted by a #startupindia campaign by Janhit Jagran organized by Dainik Jagran. It’s well said that to work on your own business plan is far better to work for an organization, for which today’s event was carried in SRMS premises. The event started with Saraswati sadhna and lamp lightning ceremony by the dignitaries.

“Janhit Jagran”- an initiative of Dainik Jagran group to promote and incubate social enterprises which were started in the year 2015 in order to promote the idea of honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi of starting new enterprises and generating employment in India.

The idea revolved around promoting social entrepreneurship, solving problems of society by an innovative business plan. Program offered incubation and funding for social enterprises and rewards for innovative ideas. This campaign have achieved success. General Manager, Dainik Jagran, Mr. Mudit Chaturvedi said that they always got a great response and they are privileged to conduct their event at SRMS-CET. Event headed with participants presenting their business ideas in front of the judges. Judges were Ms. Jigna Keshav & Mr. Shubham Gautam from Tough Hope Consultancy who were joined by Mr. Ravindra Vikram from Dainik Jagran. They raised their queries to participants and judged them wisely.

After all the presentations were done, Judges sooner declared the results of this event and the First position was held by Mr. Ravi Kumar (Plan-Vaccination, Health & Women Empowerment), where second position was held by Simran Chabra (Plan-Plastic Bricks) and 3rd position was held by Er. Mohd. Uvaish Ansari (Plan-Solar Solutions). At last, Mr. Aditya Murti, Trust Secretry of SRMS, honored all the jury members with memento. Where the event got over by a quote to motivate all the participants, “Work beyond Boundaries”.