From humble beginnings in the year 2002 till the present date, pathology laboratory has taken giant leaps with the introduction of facilities such as Frozen section, Cytocentrifuge, Immuno histocyto chemistry, Cyto chemistry and Special staining. Ably guided by a dynamic management, constant upgradation of the equipment ensures leadership status in this region. Run by a dedicated team of doctors and technical staff, the laboratory runs on a 24 hour basis, processing most of the tests in a matter of hours. Strict quality control and involvement of clinicians in the feedback process ensures a high level of competence in report generation. All facilities are provided at a minimal cost, in keeping with the tradition of providing affordable healthcare to the masses.
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Pant H, Chandra K, Khandelwal R, Saxena R. Cytopathological study of salivary gland lesions in rural population of western Uttar Pradesh and Kumaon region of Uttarkhand – A tertiary care hospital based study. The Indian journal of Bio- Research.2013; 85(2):47 – 56.
Pant H. Patterns of extended lipid profile abnormalities in freshly diagnosed myocardial infarction patients of Bundelkhand region. Indian journal of clinical practice, Research. 2013; 23(10).
Rizvi G, Panday H, Pant H, Chufal S. Histopathological correlation of adenomyosis and leioma in hysterectomy specimens as the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in women in different age groups in the Kumaon region: A retro prospective study, Journal of midlife health; Research. 2013; 4(1): 27 – 30.
Rizvi G, Panday H, Kumar singh R, Pant H, Chufal S. Is a histopathological examination justified in all cholecystectomy specimens? – a five years experience in a tertiary care hospital of Kumaon region in Uttarakhand. Journal on web-oncology, gastroenterology and hepatology Research.2013; 2(2):27-32.
Pant H, Saxena R. Cyto histopathological evaluation of nodular lesions of skin. The Indian Journal of Bio Research. 2013;85(2): 93 – 100.
Rizvi G, Roy B, Pant H, Jha Kumar A. Maitra S, Sociodemographic profile of breast cancer patients diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. Journal of Indian Medical Association. 2013; 111(5): 327 – 329.
Kumar P, Chandra K. A Clinical Study of Febrile thrombo cytopenic. A hospital based retro spection study. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2014; 24 (10).
Khanna M. P2 ROYS Clinicopathological study of 115 cases of glioblastoma multiform with sp. Ref to gliosarcona –international. J.of pharmaceutical sciences and research. 2013; 4 (6): 1000 – 1018.
Singh S, Mritinjay, Chandara K. Amelioratine Potential of quercation against paracetamol. Induced oxidation stress in mice blood Toexicology international. 2011; 18 (2). 11- 16.
Chandra K, KumarP. Morphological Spectrum of bone marrow in pancytopenia – A Retro Spection study in a tertiary care center .Journal of Evolution of Medical and dental sciences. 2014; 3(4). 53-60.
Pant D, Pnat H, Bahl A, Saikia U. An autopsy and echocardiographic study of left ventricular trabeculations in normal hearts, Accepted for publication in Indian journal of clinical practical 2013; 16. (3): 99 – 106.
Jaswal. M, Singh. S. Baliar . Baseline extra cellular Potassium level as an indicator of the rate of increase of the same of further storage in CPDA- 1 Whole filo system for propitiation of blood bags for release from blood – banks the author. Transfusion medicine British blood transfusion society original Article.2013; (6): 25-29.
Arya SB, Goel JK, Sagar SK, Jaiswal M, Retori, S. Role of colposcopy as interoperability Neoplastic in 162 symptomatic women of western Uttar Pradesh . Issoe International Journal of gyhae plastic surger. 2013; 5(1): 121-127.
Pant H, Pathak S. A Case report: Squamous Odontogenic tumor- exceedingly rare neoplasm. Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research. 2013; 2(8): 1023-1026.
Chandra K, Pant H. Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with Adenomyomatosis in a Porcelain Gallbladder: A Case Report- Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciencwes 2013; 2(31):5728-5732.
Kumar A, Agrawal T, Gupta L. Assessment of Right and Left Ventricular Funcation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Their CO- Relation with the Severity of Disease. 2014;3.(4):105-111.
Kumar A, Agrawal T. A Study of Unusual Pacemaker Infection by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Indian Patients Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2014; 4(6): 291-296.
K`umar A, Agrawal T, Gupta L. Significance of AgNOR Counts in Thyroid Cytology. 2014; 3(4):127-131.
Kumar. P, Chandra. K. Chylous Ascites Due to Tuberculos s: ACase Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2013; 24(7): 640-645.
Chandra. K, Pant P. Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with Adenomyomatosis in a Porcleain Gall Bladder: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Medical and Dental Science. 2013; 2.(31): 5728-5732.
Chandra. K, Kumar P. Morphological Spctrum of Bone Marrow In Pancytopenia – A Retrospective Study In A Thertiary Care Centre. Indian Journal of Medical and Dental Science. 2014; 3(4): 1056 – 1064.