Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy), Bareilly, UP

  • SRMS Trust has started College of Pharmacy in the year 2000, approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, GOI & Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi & affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow with the intake of 60 seats. Since 2010, Pharmacy college offers M.Pharm course in pharmNacutics branch to input knowledge empowred individuals with wisdom to prepare pharmacist of the future.
  • Pharmacy programs aim at rendering adequate knowledge about basic and advanced principles of pharmacy, managerial skills, and the capacity to deliver in the pharmaceutical sector. The program also serves the social needs of different sectors of the Indian Economy by preparing students for jobs in any field of the pharmacy profession

* Safe, effective, responsible pharmacy practice.

* SRMS CET, Pharmacy also emphasizes to produce esteem technocrats to cater the needs of upcoming pharmaceutical industries.

Our mission is to foster pharmacy profession by upgrading students with the knowledge, skills and technology for upliftment of public healthcare and providing a platform for innovative learning with inter-professional collaborations with pharmaceutical industries.


Knowledge: The Institute provides the basic knowledge, technical skills in pharmaceutical sciences with leadership qualities to fulfill professional and societal responsibilities.


Competence: Motivated to be a competent pharmacy professional having abilities for effective planning, problem solving and decision making in various areas of pharmaceutical industry and allied fields.


Professionalism: To develop professional and ethical values for sustainable development and lifelong learning.

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